import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.optimize import newton_krylov
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML
from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import interact, interactive
except ImportError:
print('Interactive iPython tools will not work without IPython.display \
and ipywidgets installed.')
def _in_ipynb():
cfg = get_ipython().config
if cfg['IPKernelApp']['parent_appname'] == 'ipython-notebook':
return True
return False
except NameError:
return False
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)
[docs]def euler_beam_modes(n=10, bctype=3, npoints=2001,
beamparams=np.array([7.31e10, 8.4375e-09,
2747.0, 4.5e-04, 0.4])):
"""Mode shapes and natural frequencies of Euler-Bernoulli beam.
n: int, numpy array
highest mode number or array of mode numbers to return
bctype: int
bctype = 1 free-free
bctype = 2 clamped-free
bctype = 3 clamped-pinned
bctype = 4 clamped-sliding
bctype = 5 clamped-clamped
bctype = 6 pinned-pinned
beamparams: numpy array
E, I, rho, A, L,
Young's modulus, second moment of area, density, cross section area,
length of beam
npoints: int
number of points for returned mode shape array
omega_n: numpy array
array of natural frequencies
x: numpy array
x coordinate
U: numpy array
mass normalized mode shape
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import vibration_toolbox as vtb
>>> omega_n, x, U = vtb.euler_beam_modes(n=1)
>>> plt.figure()
<Figure size 1000x600 with 0 Axes>
>>> plt.plot(x,U)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>]
>>> plt.xlabel('x (m)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'x (m)')
>>> plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Displacement (m)')
>>> plt.title('Mode 1')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Mode 1')
>>> plt.grid(True)
E = beamparams[0]
I = beamparams[1]
rho = beamparams[2]
A = beamparams[3]
L = beamparams[4]
if isinstance(n, int):
ln = n
n = np.arange(n) + 1
ln = len(n)
# len=[0:(1/(npoints-1)):1]'; %Normalized length of the beam
x_normed = np.linspace(0, 1, npoints, endpoint=True)
x = x_normed * L
# Determine natural frequencies and mode shapes depending on the
# boundary condition.
# Mass simplification. The following was arange_(1,length_(n)).reshape(-1)
mode_num_range = np.arange(0, ln)
Bnl = np.empty(ln)
w = np.empty(ln)
U = np.empty([npoints, ln])
if bctype == 1:
desc = 'Free-Free '
Bnllow = np.array((0, 0, 4.73004074486, 7.8532046241,
10.995607838, 14.1371654913, 17.2787596574))
for i in mode_num_range:
if n[i] > 7:
Bnl[i] = (2 * n[i] - 3) * np.pi / 2
Bnl[i] = Bnllow[i]
for i in mode_num_range:
if n[i] == 1:
w[i] = 0
U[:, i] = 1 + x_normed * 0
elif n[i] == 2:
w[i] = 0
U[:, i] = x_normed - 0.5
sig = (np.cosh(Bnl[i]) - np.cos(Bnl[i])) / \
(np.sinh(Bnl[i]) - np.sin(Bnl[i]))
w[i] = (Bnl[i] ** 2) * np.sqrt(E * I / (rho * A * L ** 4))
b = Bnl[i] * x_normed
U[:, i] = np.cosh(b) + np.cos(b) - sig * \
(np.sinh(b) + np.sin(b))
elif bctype == 2:
desc = 'Clamped-Free '
Bnllow = np.array((1.88, 4.69, 7.85, 10.99, 14.14))
for i in mode_num_range:
if n[i] > 4:
Bnl[i] = (2 * n[i] - 1) * np.pi / 2
Bnl[i] = Bnllow[i]
for i in mode_num_range:
sig = (np.sinh(Bnl[i]) - np.sin(Bnl[i])) / \
(np.cosh(Bnl[i]) - np.cos(Bnl[i]))
w[i] = (Bnl[i] ** 2) * np.sqrt(E * I / (rho * A * L ** 4))
b = Bnl[i] * x_normed
# plt.plot(x,(sp.cosh(b) - sp.cos(b) -
# sig * (sp.sinh(b) - sp.sin(b))))
U[:, i] = np.cosh(b) - np.cos(b) - sig * (np.sinh(b) - np.sin(b))
elif bctype == 3:
desc = 'Clamped-Pinned '
Bnllow = np.array((3.93, 7.07, 10.21, 13.35, 16.49))
for i in mode_num_range:
if n[i] > 4:
Bnl[i] = (4 * n[i] + 1) * np.pi / 4
Bnl[i] = Bnllow[i]
for i in mode_num_range:
sig = (np.cosh(Bnl[i]) - np.cos(Bnl[i])) / \
(np.sinh(Bnl[i]) - np.sin(Bnl[i]))
w[i] = (Bnl[i] ** 2) * np.sqrt(E * I / (rho * A * L ** 4))
b = Bnl[i] * x_normed
U[:, i] = np.cosh(b) - np.cos(b) - sig * (np.sinh(b) - np.sin(b))
elif bctype == 4:
desc = 'Clamped-Sliding '
Bnllow = np.array((2.37, 5.5, 8.64, 11.78, 14.92))
for i in mode_num_range:
if n[i] > 4:
Bnl[i] = (4 * n[i] - 1) * np.pi / 4
Bnl[i] = Bnllow[i]
for i in mode_num_range:
sig = (np.sinh(Bnl[i]) + np.sin(Bnl[i])) / \
(np.cosh(Bnl[i]) - np.cos(Bnl[i]))
w[i] = (Bnl[i] ** 2) * np.sqrt(E * I / (rho * A * L ** 4))
b = Bnl[i] * x_normed
U[:, i] = np.cosh(b) - np.cos(b) - sig * (np.sinh(b) - np.sin(b))
elif bctype == 5:
desc = 'Clamped-Clamped '
Bnllow = np.array((4.73, 7.85, 11, 14.14, 17.28))
for i in mode_num_range:
if n[i] > 4:
Bnl[i] = (2 * n[i] + 1) * np.pi / 2
Bnl[i] = Bnllow[i]
for i in mode_num_range:
sig = (np.cosh(Bnl[i]) - np.cos(Bnl[i])) / \
(np.sinh(Bnl[i]) - np.sin(Bnl[i]))
w[i] = (Bnl[i] ** 2) * np.sqrt(E * I / (rho * A * L ** 4))
b = Bnl[i] * x_normed
U[:, i] = np.cosh(b) - np.cos(b) - sig * (np.sinh(b) - np.sin(b))
elif bctype == 6:
desc = 'Pinned-Pinned '
for i in mode_num_range:
Bnl[i] = n[i] * np.pi
w[i] = (Bnl[i] ** 2) * np.sqrt(E * I / (rho * A * L ** 4))
U[:, i] = np.sin(Bnl[i] * x_normed)
# Mass Normalization of mode shapes
for i in mode_num_range:
U[:, i] = U[:, i] / np.sqrt([:, i], U[:, i]) * rho * A * L)
omega_n = w
return omega_n, x, U
[docs]def euler_beam_frf(xin=0.22, xout=0.32, fmin=0.0, fmax=1000.0, zeta=0.02,
bctype=2, npoints=2001,
beamparams=np.array([7.31e10, 1 / 12 * 0.03 * .015 ** 3,
2747.0, .015 * 0.03, 0.4])):
"""Frequency response function fo Euler-Bernoulli beam.
xin: float
location of applied force
xout: float
location of displacement sensor
fmin: float
lowest frequency of interest
fmax: float
highest frequency of interest
zeta: float
damping ratio
bctype: int
bctype = 1 free-free
bctype = 2 clamped-free
bctype = 3 clamped-pinned
bctype = 4 clamped-sliding
bctype = 5 clamped-clamped
bctype = 6 pinned-pinned
beamparams: numpy array
E, I, rho, A, L,
Young's modulus, second moment of area, density, cross section area,
length of beam
npoints: int
number of points for returned mode shape array
fout: numpy array
array of driving frequencies (Hz)
H: numpy array
Frequency Response Function
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import vibration_toolbox as vtb
>>> _, _ = vtb.euler_beam_frf()
E = beamparams[0]
I = beamparams[1]
rho = beamparams[2]
A = beamparams[3]
L = beamparams[4]
npoints = 2001
i = 0
w = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, 2001) * 2 * sp.pi
if min([xin, xout]) < 0 or max([xin, xout]) > L:
print('One or both locations are not on the beam')
wn = np.array((0, 0))
# The number 200 is arbitrarily large and unjustified.
a = sp.empty([npoints, 200], dtype=complex)
f = sp.empty(100)
while wn[-1] < 1.3 * (fmax * 2 * sp.pi):
i = i + 1
wn, xx, U = euler_beam_modes(n=i, bctype=bctype,
beamparams=beamparams, npoints=5000)
spl = UnivariateSpline(xx, U[:, i - 1])
Uin = spl(xin)
Uout = spl(xout)
a[:, i - 1] = rho * A * Uin * Uout / \
(wn[-1] ** 2 - w ** 2 + 2 * zeta * wn[-1] * w * sp.sqrt(-1))
f[i] = wn[-1] / 2 / sp.pi
a = a[:, 0:i]
plt.plot(w / 2 / sp.pi, 20 * sp.log10(sp.absolute(sp.sum(a, axis=1))), '-')
# plt.hold(True)
plt.plot(w / 2 / sp.pi, 20 * sp.log10(sp.absolute(a)), '-')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('FRF (dB)')
axlim = plt.axis()
plt.axis(axlim + np.array([0, 0, -0.1 * (axlim[3] - axlim[2]),
0.1 * (axlim[3] - axlim[2])]))
plt.plot(w / 2 / sp.pi, sp.unwrap(sp.angle(sp.sum(a, axis=1))) /
sp.pi * 180, '-')
plt.plot(w / 2 / sp.pi, sp.unwrap(sp.angle(a)) / sp.pi * 180, '-')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Phase (deg)')
axlim = plt.axis()
plt.axis(axlim + np.array([0, 0, -0.1 * (axlim[3] - axlim[2]),
0.1 * (axlim[3] - axlim[2])]))
fout = w / 2 / sp.pi
H = a
return fout, H
def ebf(xin, xout, fmin, fmax, zeta):
"""Shortcut call to `euler_beam_frf`."""
_, _ = euler_beam_frf(xin, xout, fmin, fmax, zeta)
def ebf1(xin, xout):
"""Shortcut call to `euler_beam_frf`."""
_, _ = euler_beam_frf(xin, xout)
def uniform_bar_modes(n=10, bctype=3, npoints=2001,
barparams=np.array([7.31e10, 2747.0, 0.4]),
kl_over_EA = 1000, m_over_rhoAL = 1000):
"""Mode shapes and natural frequencies of Uniform bar/rod.
n: int, numpy array
highest mode number or array of mode numbers to return
bctype: int
bctype = 1 free-free
bctype = 2 fixed-free
bctype = 3 fixed-fixed
bctype = 4 fixed-spring
bctype = 5 fixed-mass
barparams: numpy array
E, rho, L
Young's modulus, density, length of bar
npoints: int
number of points for returned mode shape array
kl_over_EA: float
spring stiffness times rod length divided by EA. (for clamped-spring
m_over_rhoAL: float
end mass divided by rho A L of rod. (for end mass condition)
omega_n: numpy array
array of natural frequencies
x: numpy array
x coordinate
U: numpy array
mass normalized mode shape
For most situations the cross sectional area cancels out and has no effect. It only matters in
the last two cases: and end spring or and mass, and is included with the parameters special to
those cases.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import vibration_toolbox as vtb
>>> omega_n, x, U = vtb.uniform_bar_modes(n=3)
>>> plt.figure()
>>> plt.plot(x,U)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>]
>>> plt.xlabel('x (m)')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at ...>
>>> plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at ...>
>>> plt.title('Mode 3')
<matplotlib.text.Text object at ...>
E = barparams[0]
rho = barparams[1]
L = barparams[2]
if isinstance(n, int):
ln = n
n = np.arange(n) + 1
ln = len(n)
# len=[0:(1/(npoints-1)):1]'; %Normalized length of the bar
x_normed = np.linspace(0, 1, npoints, endpoint = True)
x = x_normed * L
# Determine natural frequencies and mode shapes depending on the
# boundary condition.
# Mass simplification. The following was arange_(1,length_(n)).reshape(-1)
mode_num_range = np.arange(1, ln)
w = np.empty(ln)
U = np.empty([npoints, ln])
if bctype == 1:
desc = 'Free-Free '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = i * np.pi * np.sqrt(E/rho) / L
U[:, i] = np.cos(i * np.pi * x_normed)
elif bctype == 2:
desc = 'Fixed-Free '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = (2*i-1) * np.pi * np.sqrt(E/rho) / (2 * L)
U[:, i] = np.sin((2*i-1) * np.pi * x_normed / 2)
elif bctype == 3:
desc = 'Fixed-Fixed '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = i * np.pi * np.sqrt(E/rho) / L
U[:, i] = np.sin((i) * np.pi * x_normed)
elif bctype == 4:
desc = 'Fixed-Spring'
def func(lam):
return lam + np.tan(lam)* kl_over_EA
for i in mode_num_range:
lam = newton_krylov(func, (0.25+i/2)*np.pi)
w[i] = lam * np.sqrt(E/rho) / L
U[:, i] = np.sin(lam * x_normed)
elif bctype == 5:
desc = 'Fixed-Mass'
def func(lam):
return np.tan(lam)-1/lam/m_over_rhoAL
for i in mode_num_range:
lam = newton_krylov(func, 0.25+i*np.pi)
w[i] = lam * np.sqrt(E/rho) / L
U[:, i] = np.sin(lam * x_normed)
# Mass Normalization of mode shapes
for i in mode_num_range:
U[:, i] = U[:, i] / np.sqrt([:, i], U[:, i]) * rho * L)
omega_n = w
return omega_n, x, U
def ebf(xin, xout, fmin, fmax, zeta):
_, _ = uniform_bar_frf(xin, xout, fmin, fmax, zeta)
def uniform_bar_modes(n=10, bctype=3, npoints=2001,
barparams=np.array([7.31e10, 2747.0, 0.4])):
"""Mode shapes and natural frequencies of Uniform bar/rod.
n: int, numpy array
highest mode number or array of mode numbers to return
bctype: int
bctype = 1 free-free
bctype = 2 fixed-free
bctype = 3 fixed-fixed
barparams: numpy array
E, rho, L
Young's modulus, density, length of bar
npoints: int
number of points for returned mode shape array
omega_n: numpy array
array of natural frequencies
x: numpy array
x coordinate
U: numpy array
mass normalized mode shape
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import vibration_toolbox as vtb
>>> omega_n, x, U, *_ = vtb.uniform_bar_modes(n=1)
>>> plt.plot(x,U)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>]
>>> plt.xlabel('x (m)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'x (m)')
>>> plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Displacement (m)')
>>> plt.title('Mode 1')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Mode 1')
E = barparams[0]
rho = barparams[1]
L = barparams[2]
if isinstance(n, int):
ln = n
n = np.arange(n) + 1
ln = len(n)
# len=[0:(1/(npoints-1)):1]'; %Normalized length of the bar
lenth = np.linspace(0, L, npoints)
x = lenth * L
# Determine natural frequencies and mode shapes depending on the
# boundary condition.
# Mass simplification. The following was arange_(1,length_(n)).reshape(-1)
mode_num_range = np.arange(0, ln)
w = np.empty(ln)
U = np.empty([npoints, ln])
if bctype == 1:
desc = 'Free-Free '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = i * np.pi * np.sqrt(E / rho) / L
U[:, i] = np.cos(i * np.pi * lenth / L)
elif bctype == 2:
desc = 'Fixed-Free '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = (2 * i - 1) * np.pi * np.sqrt(E / rho) / (2 * L)
U[:, i] = np.sin((2 * i - 1) * np.pi * lenth / (2 * L))
elif bctype == 3:
desc = 'Fixed-Fixed '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = i * np.pi * np.sqrt(E / rho) / L
U[:, i] = np.sin(i * np.pi * lenth / (2 * L))
# Mass Normalization of mode shapes
# for i in mode_num_range:
# U[:, i] = U[:, i] / np.sqrt([:, i], U[:, i]) * rho * L)
omega_n = w
return omega_n, x, U
def torsional_bar_modes(n=10, bctype=2, cstype=4, npoints=2001,
tbarparams=np.array([7.8e9, 8.4375e-09,
2747.0, 0.4]), cspar=np.array([0.7,0.9,.1,.2])):
"""Mode shapes and natural frequencies of Torsional bar.
n: int, numpy array
highest mode number or array of mode numbers to return
bctype: int
bctype = 1 free-free
bctype = 2 fixed-free
bctype = 3 fixed-fixed
tbarparams: numpy array
G, J, rho, L
Shear modulus, Polar moment of area, density,
length of bar
npoints: int
number of points for returned mode shape array
cspar: float
Cross-section parameters
cstype: numpy array
Cross-section type
cstype =1 is a circular shaft and cspar = R.
cstype = 2 is a hollow circular shaft and cspar = [R1 R2]
cstype = 3 is a square shaft and cspar = a
cstype = 4 is a hollow rectangular shaft and cspar = [a b A B]
omega_n: numpy array
array of natural frequencies
x: numpy array
x coordinate
U: numpy array
mass normalized mode shape
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import vibration_toolbox as vtb
>>> omega_n, x, U,*_ = vtb.torsional_bar_modes(n=1)
>>> plt.plot(x,U)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>]
>>> plt.xlabel('x (m)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'x (m)')
>>> plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Displacement (m)')
>>> plt.title('Mode 1')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Mode 1')
>>> plt.grid(True)
G = tbarparams[0]
J = tbarparams[1]
rho = tbarparams[2]
L = tbarparams[3]
if cstype == 1:
R = cspar[0]
g = (np.pi * R ** 4) / 2
elif cstype == 2:
R1 = cspar[0]
R2 = cspar[1]
g = (np.pi / 2) * (R2 ** 4 - R1 ** 4)
elif cstype == 3:
a = cspar[1]
g = .1406 * a ** 4
elif cstype == 4:
if len(cspar) != 4:
print("Not enough parameters for cstype 4")
a = cspar[0]
b = cspar[1]
A = cspar[2]
B = cspar[3]
g = (2 * A * B * (a - A) ** 2 * (b - B) ** 2) / (a * A + b * B - A ** 2 - B ** 2)
if g<=0:
print("The constant gamma is less than or equal to zero.")
if isinstance(n, int):
ln = n
n = np.arange(n) + 1
ln = len(n)
lenth = np.linspace(0, 1, npoints)
x = lenth * L
# Determine natural frequencies and mode shapes depending on the
# boundary condition.
# Mass simplification. The following was arange_(1,length_(n)).reshape(-1)
mode_num_range = np.arange(0, ln)
w = np.empty(ln)
U = np.empty([npoints, ln])
c = np.sqrt(G*g/(rho*J))
if bctype == 1:
desc = 'Free-Free '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = (i * np.pi * c) / L
U[:, i] = np.cos(i * np.pi * x / L)
elif bctype == 2:
desc = 'Fixed-Free '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = (2 * i - 1) * np.pi * c / (2 * L)
U[:, i] = np.sin((2 * i - 1) * np.pi * x / (2 * L))
elif bctype == 3:
desc = 'Fixed-Fixed '
for i in mode_num_range:
w[i] = (i * np.pi * c) / L
U[:, i] = np.sin(i * np.pi * x / L)
# Mass Normalization of mode shapes
for i in mode_num_range:
U[:, i] = U[:, i] / np.sqrt([:, i], U[:, i]) * rho * L)
omega_n = w
return omega_n, x, U